In a city of over 18 million people, where Delhi Metro witnessed over one billion passengers during April 2016 to March 2017, I wonder why possibly Delhi Metro wanted to put this up… some reasons I could come up with are:
- Because a passenger screams into the phone when signal is out during underground and each co-passenger silently becomes judgmental, who calls during underground route in metro?
- Because, there is also atleast one mashuka who wraps speaker headsets around her face like a monkey cap so that the speaker is in perfect alignment with her lips and she is able to whisper poems of good mornings (or good nights, depending on the time) to her beloved. Many co-passengers get disturbed as they feel jealous of not being her beloved.
- Because while sitting in the train, the passengers are so bored that they are all playing Candy Crush and there will be that one passenger who plays Candy Crush with loud sound effects; that passenger is like, everyone listen to this music, it is me crushing everyone at this game (pun intended ;))
- Because there will still be atleast one such passenger who is obviously not playing Candy Crush and thinks playing games in phone is so cliched, let me instead play with the phone. And because (s)he has a Nokia brick, so (s)he juggles for entertainment but because (s)he is not a pro, the phone slips and falls and THUD! Even the driver is disturbed but, hey, the phone is intact ;)
- Because there will also be atleast that one passenger who is not distrubed by the THUD! of Nokia, only because (s)he is watching this intense monkey dance on Whatsapp and because the volume is on maximum, three people near him are also entertained but there are six more who are disturbed while playing Candy Crush. (Yikes!)
- Because there will be atleast one passenger who is head banging to a song playing over the headsets from the phone and (s)he sings it out loud at the same time.
- Because there will also be atleast one person who is watching Game of Thrones on the mobile phone, and inappropriate scenes turn up. All passengers feel d̶i̶s̶t̶u̶r̶b̶e̶d̶ awkward.
- Because there is atleast one passenger who is trying to click selfies but it turns into a game of peekaboo, where the passenger behind is trying not to photobomb and the person clicking is moving in all directions for the perfect angle, light and pout. 10 attempts later the passenger at the back is sitting on the floor. Very disturbed.
- Because there is also atleast one family who is visiting Delhi for the first time. They want to take selfie.
Of the entire coach in the background.
10 attempts alter, all passengers are on the floor. - Because there is also atleast one passenger who while disembarking in a crowd from the metro, notices this sticker and stops to clicks its picture. It took two attempts and 10 disturbed people to get it right. ;)
Enter any station of Delhi Metro, one can hear English and Hindi announcements teaching passengers to stand in queues; always give way the first right of movement to disembarking passenger, stand behind yellow line on the platform for one’s own safety…It has evolved as the cautious mother of the city, who has seemed to have taken the responsibility of teaching soft skills to Indians; at least while traveling and behaving with others. And I’m grateful for that.
PS. I have noticed the above sticker in Airport Express line so far. Not sure if Delhi Metro has put this up else where, yet.
PPS. Also, this post means no intentional or unintentional offence to anyone or any authority and/or entity whatsoever. This is just for fun (only if it made you laugh, because if it didn’t I’d better work on my sense of humor. Or maybe you should? (no offence ;))