Cheat Sheet to Now

Letters to my bestfriend (2/13)

3 min readDec 2, 2020

Dear Soulsister,

It is needless to say that I am always there for you. I am always sending you blessings and wishing the best for you.

I am also aware of those days when getting up is hard, making another effort feels like a task, and just one of those days when you want to be by yourself. No matter how grave the matter it may seem (even if all built up in the head), if there is one thing I have learned in our spiritual growth together, in which I have found immense comfort and courage, is that:

We wouldn’t have be confronted with situations unless we didn’t have what it takes to handle them; that is, it is only because you are capable to handle something that the situation arises, else it wouldn’t have.

So first and foremost- you have nothing to worry about.

And yet, if whatever you’re feeling seems too much to handle, here is a quick cheat sheet to realign to the Now:

  • What about this situation is in my control?
    This is my go to question to find that peace of mind and reorient to the Now. But in case this question is too overwhelming to assimilate, then simply —
  • Breathe
    This is a simple reminder. Whatever the situation, no matter where you at, just breathe. Breathe through all the excitement, joy, gloom and anger. you will feel grounded instantly and that will help with just feeling the moment as is.
  • Write it
    Just let it out; this also includes voice notes. You can even let me know in case I should not hear them, I’ll just delete it. What is more important is that you just let it out in the open.
  • Gratitude and blessings
    Thank you for introducing me to the power of gratitude. So this point is more like a reminder, that just in case if you haven’t yet, look out for things and people to be grateful for. More importantly, if you are worried or bothered with someone else, please bless them.

While I also understand that in cases where others are concerned, the ego begins an internal self-doubt fest, fueling thoughts that trigger feelings. For those instances, please tell yourself:

  • I am enough
    At all instances, in each moment, no matter what you are doing, wherever you are at, you are enough, just as you are. It is easy to compare and be self critical, forgetting that we are all moving ahead at our own timing walking our own path to happiness. So it is more effective to shift focus to our own actions, knowing that I am enough, focus on doing the best; everything else is beyond your control.
  • Take a walk and/or do yoga
    And if nothing makes sense, you are tired after long hardwork of practicing, and you don’t even want to think or make an effort to feel — just step out or relax yourself with some yoga.

From the Now you can begin Letting Go…

You are loved,




Written by Cheer

To the point: can be witty,mean,selfish, love, anger, joy, gloom, pleasure, icky, beautiful, (sometime) less beautiful.

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