My bestfriend is my Soulsister

Letters to my bestfriend (1/13)

2 min readNov 30, 2020

Dear BFF/Soulsister,

In a world of billions, in the daily run of the mill life, from school to growing old, living becomes joyful, bearable and accomplished, if that life is blessed with a companion, and even if it is only one, it will do.

That’s all it takes.

The millennial lingo regards that person as a bestfriend/BFF.

So incorrect though, isn’t it? That one companion is not the best among a pool of friends, that person is the chosen family, counsel, an inspiration, and in my case even a medium. The word bestfriend in front of all these characteristics seems meagre.

So, I call mine, my soulsister.

I met you in the most unusual of ways on the most usual of days, that it beats Hollywood rom-coms; let’s call it sleight of hand and twist of fate.

And life’s changed since.

Infact, you and I didn’t meet when we were kids to experience growing up together and yet I grew the most having you known since.

Your smile is contagious, and everything you do is an inspiration, and a true embodiment of living life true to yourself.

You’re the only one I go to on all my days and everyday.

Even when we were thousands of miles away, we didn’t notice the 12 hour time difference, let alone the distance.

We would chat on three platforms, sometimes all at the same time, discussing three different things.

With you, time has just flown by and it does not seem enough.

Sure, you have your days (who’d know better :P). You’re divine and drama all at once.

So here I’m presenting you a series of letters towards your magical birthday; dedicated to all those who even though living their best need a bit of warmth, who even though on their path still sometime feel lost and even when abundantly loved, need reminding of so.

Grace, my beautiful friend and sister, as you are evolving, this is an attempt to make the world a better place through you.

Thank you for all that you are,

Skipping along,




Written by Cheer

To the point: can be witty,mean,selfish, love, anger, joy, gloom, pleasure, icky, beautiful, (sometime) less beautiful.

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