An unwritten letter from a grandfather to his granddaughter

3 min readMay 17, 2020


I got to spend just about seven years of my life with a great man whose stories helped me grow for the rest of the years ahead.

I have a very vague memory of how he looked, smoked, walked, ate, laughed, spoke, or sat. What I clearly do remember is his aura, energy, wittiness, the way he showered love, affection, compassion, and of course numerous stories from my family of his adventure, hardwork, and partition. He studied tirelessly, was every enetrprising to have studied law and set up his practice from scartch and never stopped anyone from pursuing their dreams. If I were to sum his life in two words, I’d say- he was an embodiment of hardwork and humility.

I often miss this man that I hardly remember, and yet, always feel his presence in my own. I am sure, somewhere he knows that it was his stories and struggles that made him a hero for all of us, and for me especially — who cannot stop remininsing of a home that I never went to, and the one he had to leave because of partition.

I also feel that there is no coincidence that I found a way to writing. He must have had a role to play. He is known to write numerous letters to his daughter (my aunt) when she moved away to the US. His beautiful handwriting got him a steep paying job in those days (1940s/50s). With times and technology, he took typing lessons and owned many typewriters. He even managed to write an autobiography, just in time!

Last year, on his 95th birthday on 15 May 2019, I found myself missing him, and his presence (energy) felt very strong, that I wrote this letter to myself on his behalf — more to find strength from his love in an overwhelming situation.

On his 96th this year, I wanted to share that letter — an ode to him, a blessing and dedication to a loving relationship we share with our grandparents.

15 May 2019

Today if he were alive, I know this is what he would tell me, infact write to me (or perhaps type on a laptop. He’d be so proud of the technology).

Dear _______,

How are you? I hope you are eating well and enjoying the season of falsa.

Last time we spoke, you were talking of hectic work schedule and there being plenty of work on your plate. You know when I got that job in the library, they paid Rs25 per month, I felt thrilled. I was almost convinced there couldn’t be any other opportunity better than this. But then, I decided to study law. It was not easy, especially to stay motivated to manage studies with work. But my goal to become an advocate out weighed any other alternate that could have been. This kept my motivated.

Work will never reduce. Infact, most often than not it will keep piling like the case files I have to deal with in office. So, know this: you are much more capacble than you give yourself credit for. Stop underestimating yourself at once. I have seen you grow into a very humble, smart, trust worthy and confident woman. Your capabilities are limitless.

Yours lovingly,




Written by Cheer

To the point: can be witty,mean,selfish, love, anger, joy, gloom, pleasure, icky, beautiful, (sometime) less beautiful.

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